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What are the requirements for the Owner of The Insangu Development Corporation?

What are the requirements of the future owner (Person/ group/ government department/ municipality…) of The Insangu Development Corporation, in our view?:

a. The social will to be focused on small scale high-value Community Development and Job Creation (rather than on large-scale & mechanization), and on long term sustainable growth gearing instead of short term profit gearing…

b. The political skills, will and power to get The Insangu Development Corporation Pilot- project Initiative approved by Government or the Department of Agriculture as a Model for consideration, and subject to it having achieved the objectives as set out below within the first and second years.

c. The economic skills, will and access to enable the roll-out of Insangu Hubs, Clubs and growers nationally/ regionally once the Insangu Model Regional Hub concept has been proven viable.

d. The Business skills, will and connectivity to develop and enable the Business plans and more especially the long term sustainability, growth and future export possibilities.

e. Financial investment is NOT a requirement.

f. Shareholding of the INSANGU Development Corporation for The CannaClub or any of its members is NOT required.

g. The partner will own 100% of The Insangu Development Corporation and will have the initiative approved a.s.a.p:

i. For a trial region: The Garden Route
ii. For a trial period: of 5 years, provided that the objectives for the first year are
achieved before the end of the first year, and the objectives for the second
year before the end of the second year.


h. TIDC will hold all rights to the website and Model Regional Business Plans developed in order for it to either roll out in other regions or to make it available to other municipalities or local government institutions for their specific regions.


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