• Cannabis Clubs have many advantages, but the biggest is that they provide safety since they do away with the need to obtain medicinal or recreational Cannabis on the black market for those that are not capable to grow for themselves, for whatever reason. As a result of the entire process, from seed to harvest, being under the eyes of the grow contractors & inspectors of The Insangu Development Corporation, and of the product being approved by the Insangu Development Corporation Regional Caregiver, there are no low quality, stretched, moulded or laced products and no high prices.
In addition, the beneficial social aspects and the community transformation possibilities of a Social Club cannot be understated. The Insangu Development Corporation Website educate and advise other members and the general public on safe Cannabis use.
Not everyone has the ability, means, health, space, interest, security, skills…. required to grow their own – much less a variety of high quality organic produce - Very few have drying, trimming and curing facilities. For this reason many (especially those that rely on it medicinally) will want to appoint a Club to be their gardener and processor, or to do this on their behalf, as per the The Insangu Development Corporation Constitution.