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Image by Esteban Lopez


a) In order to become a Club member of The Insangu Development Corporation, a person can sign up at any Insangu Social Club. 


b) No minors are accepted as members, or inside the Insangu Club House.  


c) It is free to join, or to visit any Club.


d) Any other donations received will be directed towards establishing more Insangu Social Clubs in more regions, transparently and traceably.


e) As a member, you appoint The Insangu Development Corporation, to use its best endeavours to flower a maximum of two high grade, strain specific, Cannabis plants, at any time, on your behalf, as part of the Insangu Members' Stokvel grow. In addition you agree to reimburse the plant management fees for any product which you may wish to withdraw from the Insangu Members' Stokvel stock. Stokvels are invitation-only clubs of twelve or more people serving as rotating credit unions or saving schemes in South Africa.  


f) The Insangu Development Corporation does not sell any Cannabis product – The members have agreed to be liable for and to reimburse the actual costs of: The care, nurturing, harvesting, trimming, drying, curing, processing, packaging, handling and secure storage – or the plant management fees to the Corporation- if satisfied with the quality thereof and only if the Grow partners are successful in cultivating high grade, strain specific, medicinal and recreational Cannabis in the Stokvel grow.  The risk of crop/ re-imbursement failure, however remains with the grow contractors and not with the members.


g) RESPONSIBLE USE: By responsible use, we mean that you must have respect for the Herb, as with all other medicines. If you over-consume high THC Cannabis - to be on a constant high - you will be depriving yourself from many of the actual benefits, and end up “munging” - over eating, overthinking, dreaming (having “exspliffanies” or “gedaggates”), procrastinating, and getting nothing done in real life.


While not harmful like alcohol, or most over-the-counter drugs, long-term, constant- high THC use may lead to confusion, disorientation , sleeplessness, agitation, and underachievement, which cause a whole range of other stress factors in life and in health, negating  the reason you started using the herb in the first place. 


The above is even truer and potentially more harmful for minors where the brain, thought, and lifestyle patterns, are still developing.  


You cannot over-consume cannabis, as it will make you feel uncomfortable, or give you the “greenies” - with a good measure of paranoia. You have to consume High THC Recreational Cannabis responsibly, just like alcohol or other medication.


High CBD – low THC medicinal Cannabis products do not give you a “high” sensation. Unheated or inactivated, high-THC material, such as in a veggie juice, also does not give you a “high” sensation.

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