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The Key Objectives of TIDC are:


a) To establish and develop a minimum of 5 fully functional Insangu Social Cannabis Clubs in the Western Cape, that is intended as a pilot-project or a model/ inspiration for rapid expansion into other Communities, regions, cities -  to improve on - ,


b. To obtain support from the department of agriculture, national, regional and local government as well as the private sector and other parastatals.


c. Identifying possible Clubs & Growers, Regional Caregivers :

 To register and provide training as well as a starter packages for Clubs and growers.

 To Support the Clubs / Growers. 

 Inspect the Club or grower to ensure safe and correct operation.


d)  To obtain High value feminized seeds / clones at low or no cost.


e) To provide Starter packs or grow kits, which contain seeds, nutrients, insect/ pesticides…at no or low cost. 


f) To arrange for growers to attend regular, free growing and processing consultations – (every Friday 9-11 in the “Garden with Weedin”, at the The CannaClub / Cheeba Cannabis Academy Plettenberg Bay Campus).​


g) The development of registered traditional healers.


h) To promote the responsible, medicinal and holistic use of Cannabis, as well as traditional African medicinal herbs as :


A highly effective, safe, natural, medicinal herb for general health & skin conditions, many serious & chronic ailments, sleep & pain relief, and as a method of relaxation, de-stressing....

A proven method of dealing with withdrawal and detoxifying symptoms such as those of hard addictions like alcohol and tik....

A recreational and medicinal plant that helps to bring diverse people together, helps us to reconnect with nature, our bodies, our health, and our divine existence/ consciousness/ interconnectivity /spirituality....

An effective method to enhance sleep/ apatite/ deep thought/ meditation, creativeness, spiritualism .....

With the overall objective of leading a purposeful, fruitful, peaceful, loving, respectful, minimalistic, meaningful, and fulfilling life. 


i) To continuously improve TIDC experience, quality and value offering.


j)  To actively engage in  African Agricultural Awakening opportunities with regards to black growers , black social Clubs and many more regional hubs.


k) These initiatives and projects are intended to:  Transform, inspire, educate, assist & motivate, especially our deprived communities, with regards to the African Agricultural Awakening and rapid advancement opportunities in terms of small scale, high value, organic, sun grown Cannabis and traditional African medicinal herb cultivation.


l) To protect our land race genetics and practise ethical seed distribution & to ensure high quality/ value strain specific feminized seeds/ clones at low or no cost to communities.


m) To under promise and to over deliver.

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