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The following partnerships have already been established :

The CannaClub.png
Ethno Grow.png
Scissor Sisters.png
Green Herizon.png
The Design Guy.png
Shiva Subcontractor.png

To provide free mentorship by the members of the Management Committee and the partners of The CannaClub on a use it or lose it base. The CannaClub and it's media partner The Design- Guy has sponsored the development of this website and the empowerment & upliftment of especially the Rastafarian as well as other vulnerable communities remains to be one of their key objectives as per their constitution and the many empowerment projects which they have established, including invulnerable input towards the Insangu Development Corporation and The House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op itself.

The cultivation processing & packaging partner of The CannaClub. To sponsor a minimuum of 200 free high value strain specific female clones, per year (4 years), that have been acclimatized to our area for use by the House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op as startup packages or as mother plants. 

To receive the House of Rastafari clones and to nurture and replant them until they have been placed to growers. To select the 50 best phenotypes and to grow them out as mother plants while preserving the strains. To plant motherplants and to propegate clones thereof. All of these plants belong to the Members of The House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op.

To provide processing & packaging services including trimming and handcrafting of The Insangu Development Corporation as well as of the House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op stock.

To provide training for trimmers and processors from our own & other communities.

To act as ambassador and management committee member for The Insangu Development corporation. To provide grow operation consultation with regards to Eco wise cultivation, infrastructure & automation to The Insangu Development Corporation grow projects.

To act as a media partner of The Insangu Development corporation. To allow the use of The CannaClub's educational media on the Insangu website. To continuously develop & maintain the Insangu Development Corporation website. To promote TIDC & The House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op on the YouTube channel which is owned by The Design Guy & Green Herizon.

To provide free educational tours every Friday 9 to 11 in the Garden with Weedin on The CannaClub premises to Insangu contract growers & Club owners.

To be a lecturer for Cheeba Cannabis Cultivation Academy regarding the importance of preserving and the medicinal use of the more than 25 local Western Cape traditional medicnal herbs, and to create awareness as to their value in terms of small scale high value production.

As an international expert Shiva Sub Contractor has been selected to cultivate medicinal herbs on behalf of The Insangu Development Corporation on the Dankipa Eco Estate. These being the medicinal African traditional herbs for preservation and for commercial use whereof the Insangu Development Corporation will automatically retain 30% of these cutlings and/ or offspring and first right of refusal in purchasing of any other stock. In addition a 50 Cannabis plant organic outdoor grow contract is awarded to Shiva Sub Contractor as a cornerstone contract grower for The Insangu Development Corporation, which is furthermore intended as a training area for Hugel culture,  organic cultivation, for Members of The Insangu Development Corporation as well as those of The House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op./

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