The following agreements are in process of being established by the persons indicated.
1. The formal agreements regarding the land and building use / donations - Karen.
The Red Tractor Farm Commitments :
• Outdoor Cultivation Area (2021)
• Nursery Area (2021)
• Processing Area (2021)
• Future Club House (Not required before March 2022)
• Donation - Tunnel
2. The formal agreements regarding to The CannaClubs commitments - Herman & Herries.
The CannaClub Commitments:
• Providing free growers consultations every Friday between 9 and 11 in the Garden with Weedin with our Cultivation partners.
• Providing a media platform for the House of Rastafari Growers Co-Op with acknowledgement to the Red Tractor Farm & Karen.
• Providing the required amount + 30% of high value strain specific female Cannabis clones for two harvests per year until the end of year three.
• Providing a plan of operation for each of the areas provided by Red Tractor farm.
• Provide a two weekly inspection with a short report on the progress as well as any stumble blocks once the grow is operational.
3. The formal agreements regarding the Community commitments and constitution - Tommy, Ruben, and Herman.
The Community Commitments:
• Management Committee selection
• Formalization of a Constitution which clearly defines the mission & vision / roles / partnerships of the Growers Co-Op.